In a world that tells us you are only worth it if you buy this product or look this way, In a world where we long for someone to tell us we have value, That they will fight for us, That we matter, It’s good to be reminded that we are worth it.
The God Who Mourns with Us
A friend’s grandmother just died. Another friend just lost custody of their child. Another lost their job. Another’s son won’t speak to them, and they’ve yet to meet their grandchildren as a result. The brokenness of our world is heavy. This list could go on and on, these are simply some of the most recent […]
Jesus is not a crutch
I will sometimes hear people say that Jesus is just a crutch for needy people. They don’t need Jesus because they are strong and have their head on straight. Faith is just what some people need to get through life, something hopeful to believe in to make life worth living. It’s helpful for the poor […]
No Plastic Christians
There are days when I feel very inept to be a pastor. I’ve said something stupid to someone and now they have an opinion of me that is true based on my mistaken comment, but not true of who I really am. I fear upsetting people with leadership decisions to be made. I have upset […]
The Idol of Politics
Food can be an idol. A spouse can be an idol. Television can be an idol. Sports can be an idol. Alcohol can be an idol. Politics can be an idol. My purpose in posting yesterday about the way Christians post on Facebook about politics was meant to show how subtly and easily we can […]
Facebook, Christians, and Political Views
To my Christian friends on Facebook…please realize that everything you do is meant to be a light for Jesus. Please realize that you have friends on Facebook who are not Christians (or at least you’d better). Please realize that there are many many many non-Christians out there who are hostile to Christ because they associate […]