Jen and I just got home from watching the star-studded movie The Butler: The thing I’m struck most about the Civil Rights Movement is how recent it was, yet how my generation and the generations younger than mine have such limited consciousness of the things that went on, and how these things have shaped American […]
God’s victory is, and has always been, counter intuitive
God sees all things from all time at one time. He sees the end, what everything is pointing toward. We only see what is right in front of us. Jesus hangs on a cross. On the surface: a colossal failure. In reality: The ultimate victory over sin and evil, the victory that allows us an […]
You Can’t Have the New Testament Jesus without the Old Testament God
There’s a growing trend that Christians want to have the “nice”, “gracious”, and “loving” New Testament Jesus but reject the “wrathful”, “judgmental”, and “violent” Old Testament God.
Getting off the hamster wheel of accomplishment
The gospel frees us from this pressure to perform, this slavish demand to “become.” The gospel liberatingly declares that in Christ “we already are.” If you’re a Christian, here’s the good news: who you really are has nothing to do with you—how much you can accomplish, who you can become, your behavior (good or bad), […]
Why God Was Justified to Bring Harsh Judgment in the Old Testament
I recently wrote about some of the harsh Bible verses we find in the Old Testament, where God commands his people to kill entire people groups, including their women and infants. These are the verses picked out by leading atheist Richard Dawkins and others who are anti-Christian to smear God’s name, and in general serve […]
Mow Your Marriage: The Fine Print on Opting for the Resort
I recently wrote about the need to mow your marriage. The grass is greener on the other side because you don’t have to mow it. Marriages are high maintenance. Lust, affairs, crushes, flirtations, and fantasies are not. So here’s a question: would you rather live in your house or in an all-inclusive resort?