Grace means that no person is beyond redemption, no human stain beyond cleansing…no mistake we make disqualifies us from God’s love Grace teaches us that God loves because of who God is, not because of who we are The opposite of sin is grace, not virtue God seeks not to crush me but to liberate […]
Pray for the Congo and for those on the front lines of relief
I’m an advocate for not becoming overwhelmed by the amount of social justice needs in the world, and feeling like we can solve them all. I am also an advocate for being aware (and not apathetic) of what is going on in the world and supporting and praying for those on the front lines as […]
Can shampoo be racist? What about Band-Aids?
A great challenge for white people is to try to put ourselves in the shoes of a minority in America. I think this act of walking a mile in one’s shoes, which is a very Christ-like, loving, and incarnational thing to do, comes very unnaturally to us. It’s an act I’ve been trying hard to […]
Rising above the Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman arguments
I’ve been blogging a lot about racial reconciliation over the past couple of weeks. Due to timing of this, I thought I would give some of my thoughts on the recent Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman case. Mostly via Facebook, I have read white friends who are defending that Zimmerman didn’t break any laws and […]
Powerful video of 3rd graders’ racist views
The following eye-opening video shows the power of in-group and out-group dynamics, and how the in-group of being white has been such a powerfully oppressive force in American history. This video was shot in 1970 with a classroom of 3rd grade students from Iowa. These children would all be around the age of 52 today. […]
How America’s Racist Past Breeds Racial Profiling Today
I recently wrote about the racial discrimination housing laws of the 1940’s-1970’s (and I did a post on “How To Talk About Racism”). My point in showing those bits of somewhat hidden history is to help set the table for why some things are the way they are today when it comes to race. It’s […]