between the Kingdom of God being here, but not yet fully here of being a sinner and a saint of going through trials, knowing the day without trials is not yet here knowing God has power over my trials and could stop them
On Jackie Robinson Day, is racism still alive and well?
Growing up middle class and white, in a middle class and white town in suburban Ohio, I always understood racism to be dead. Racism was something I learned about in history class. The Klu Klux Klan. The “N” word. Slavery. The Civil War. Some guy name Martin Luther King and a lady named Rosa Parks. […]
A Prayer Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death
(Insert your trial here) is not the be-all, end-all in life. Living in the joy of my salvation is. Being carried by my Shepherd through the valley of the shadow of death is. While being carried, I can realistically describe this deathly dark valley as green pastures and tranquil waters. Because that is the […]
Methods of Retraining Your Sexually-Damaged Heart & Mind Part 2
I want to focus some blog posts on the ways I have reconditioned my mind to leave the world of fantasy that our sex-saturated world creates and to train it to embrace reality instead. (Check out Method #1, “It’s Not Real”) Method #2, “It’s Not Important”… When you get married, everyone else around you doesn’t […]
Great Advice on How to Forgive Yourself of Past Sins
I wrote a post this week about how I often get asked by people how they can forgive themselves of the sins of their past, and I haven’t had a great answer for it. Alicia Cosgray wrote a comment to the post that offers great advice and I’d like to share it with everyone. Thanks […]
How do I forgive myself? (suggestions?)
“How do I forgive myself?” This is a question I get asked somewhat frequently as a pastor. Typically by someone who has recently received Jesus’ forgiveness for their sins. They believe Jesus forgives them. But they can’t forgive themselves. So they ask me how they can do that. And in all honesty, I don’t have […]