I hear a lot of people say they won’t believe in Jesus unless they see him physically. As if they want him to appear in a hologram-like state and speak to them in a deep booming voice. I saw Jesus this past Sunday. He was obvious. I saw him when I heard these 5 stories: […]
Rollins College Shuts Down Bible Study, Bans Christian InterVarsity
I came across a Fox News article today about how Rollins College in Winter Park, FL shut down a four person dorm room Bible study being led by InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. The college states the Bible study was only shut down because of a rule where groups can’t meet in the resident halls, but can […]
Weeping for Orphans. Where is the Church? Where are you? Where am I?
I spent today at the West Michigan CCDA (Christian Community Development Association) conference. After spending last weekend in Philadelphia at the Justice Conference, God has really been messing with me…in a good way. After the best day of talks (5 in a row) I’ve ever sat through, holding back tears several times, I got talking […]
Looking for acceptance, approval, to be desired & attractive?
Do you ever feel worthless? Do you ever seek people or things out to make you feel accepted, approved, or attractive? If you are anything like me, you do this quite often, without even realizing why you are doing it. I did a talk at MSU’s InterVarsity chapter tonight and it reminded me of the […]
Is legalizing gay marriage the same as legalizing polygamy?
I want to catch up on the comments from the Gay Christian sermon blog post (includes rules for commenting on these topics), the Nature vs. Nurture post, and the Gay Marriage post. Please check these out before commenting on today’s post. With gay marriage, I think the essence of the argument comes down to who […]
Meeting John M. Perkins @ Justice Conference, guest blogger Tony Walker
Guest blog post from Tony Walker on Day 2 of The Justice Conference. Tony accepted Jesus as his Lord in Savior in October, you can watch his baptism and testimony here: Guest blog from Tony: Today was exceptional!!! From 9am to 9pm, conviction surrounded me and took over me as the day grew older. My […]