Noah interviews Preston Sprinkle on how to talk about politics & polarizing issues. The heart of this topic comes from the social media and political climate we are in where it has become very difficult to have civil and loving conversation with people you disagree with. We also look at way the Church goes too far in being partisan or to the other extreme of avoiding biblical issues that happen to be political.
Strength Is Found in Numbers: Pastor Noah’s Freedom Story (Part 3 of 3)
I was hooked on porn as a Bible college student.
I fell back into it in the first years of my marriage.
I wanted to flee marriage and pursue a life of promiscuity.
As I clung to God through failure, his grace carried me through. He took me into paths of freedom. I had a story to share and I began sharing it…
…But here’s the thing: no matter how much freedom you experience in your sexual purity, Satan will never stop attacking you with temptation. When one type of temptation doesn’t work anymore, he just morphs and shifts to another. With the greatest temptation of all being that you no longer need to share your temptations and struggles with others.
Ep. 31: Interview with Patrick Filipiak on why he thinks you should get rid of Facebook
In Episode 31, Noah interviews his oldest brother Patrick on why he (Patrick) thinks you should get rid of Facebook. Whether you agree or disagree with Patrick, you’re bound to look at your social media behavior differently after this interview.
We also jump into the mailbag for a BIG question about if God is in control of everything that happens or not.
Noah’s rant is back and epic as always.
Noah’s New Book from Zondervan, coming in July 2021
BIG NEWS: I signed a contract with Zondervan to publish a new, updated book for men on how our identity in Christ brings us freedom from the pressure of the oversexualized world that we all live in.
The book will be available in July 2021. Book pre-sale will begin in November 2020.
Thank you to so many of you who have supported my writing efforts over the years, I am deeply grateful. If you’d like to receive an email on key points in the publishing process that you can support and/or help spread the news, please sign up below and be sure to click the checkbox at the bottom.
The Babylon Bee Gets Defunded by Christians Who Love Black Lives #DefundTheBee
MINNEAPOLIS, MN – Defunding is all the rage these days. After consistently mocking the concern for black lives, Christians finally rallied their efforts to defund The Babylon Bee, a popular satire website ran by politically conservative white guys who use a lot of words from the Bible.
The Bee made its name years ago with genuinely funny articles poking fun at the quirks of being Calvinist or Baptist, repetitious Chris Tomlin choruses, and smoke machines used in worship sets.
Racism 101 – First Steps – Defining Racism
Want to take some steps beyond your #GeorgeFloyd social media post but don’t know where to start?
Racism 101 – First Steps – Defining Racism