Listen below or subscribe on iTunes or Google Play Key notes: Beyond the Battle online groups for guys are BACK and launching in late October. Check them out at
Podcast Ep. 17, Sermon on the Prodigal Son
Episode 17, the LAST DAY Noah has to work on his rental house!!!! That means a sermon episode, this one is on Luke 15’s Prodigal Son, which Noah preached at Crossroads’ new building Grand Opening on September 16th, 2018.
The next Flip Side will be “back to your regularly scheduled” programming since the rental house work will be ooooooover! Thanks for staying tuned in.
Ep. 16: Noah’s Sermon, Beyond the Sexual Purity Battle
Noah’s sermon from 12.30.18 “Beyond the Sexual Purity Battle” includes his testimony as well as a walk through 1 Corinthians 6:12-20.
Ep. 15 (77) How an urban, multi-ethnic church planter ended up in Middleville and working at a suburban megachurch
Ep. 15 is packed!
There’s a hard hitting mailbag, covering both same sex attraction and what to do after you’ve unintentionally seen porn on your computer.
Noah talks about Covenant Eyes’ Custom Block List, which they just brought back.
Kids puking on a whale watching tour.
Living with the in-laws.
Noah is trying to be young and hip so is now using Instagram @noahfilipiak – He is asking for help on what Instagram is for, besides selfies and food pics.
Limits. And the quote, “When the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of change…THAT’S when people change.”
And the topic of the day: How an urban, multi-ethnic church planter ended up in rural Middleville and working at a suburban white megachurch
The Lies of Lust: Fantasies That Won’t Satisfy
When you think about all traps, the foundational lie that they sell is getting you to believe something is real that really isn’t. You’ve probably bought products you later regretted because the reality didn’t match what was promised by the advertisement. The classic is the beautiful real estate in Florida being sold for a great deal, only for the buyer to find out later it’s swampland that can’t be built on. The Proverbs 7 examples of animal traps would also match this, but in a deadly way. You put some bait in the trap, the animal walks in thinking it’s going to get a delicious meal. The delicious meal is the animal’s perceived reality. The cheese or peanut butter or chunk of meat looks and feels so real. In some ways it is real. But it’s a good thing placed in a destructive context. The true, ultimate reality, the only reality that actually matters, is death and destruction for this animal.
“…like a bird darting into a snare, little knowing it will cost him his life.” Proverbs 7:23
The bird would have never entered the snare if it knew it would die!
A lot of us who struggle with lust know this truth, yet continue to fall into its trap.
Read the rest of this article on the Covenant Eyes blog.
Ep. 14, Noah’s sermon, “When Your Hope is in the Best Thing”
Listen below or subscribe on iTunes or Google Play Noah just moved to Grand Rapids and is living with his gracious in-laws until his house in Lansing sells. As a result, there’s not yet a quiet place to record so this is a bonus episode of a sermon Noah preached on January 20th, 2019. It is on 1 […]