Episode 9 compares the “Poverty Gospel” to the “Prosperity Gospel,” two opposites that both end up reflecting legalism. The conversation leads into tackling some very tough words of Jesus, and the ageless debate between faith and works.
Jesus’ Words Get to Determine what He Meant by “Love,” You Don’t
At the end of the day, I’m just tired of people saying, “Jesus says ABC about love,” when there are direct quotes from Jesus that say exactly the opposite.
An attempt at a fair look at the abortion debate
In an age of all out social war over issues like abortion, this is an attempt at a fair look at the debate. It’s an attempt to not shoot missiles at the other side, hoping the same can be done in return. The debate about abortion hinges around several key disagreements: When is a fetus […]
Podcast Ep 8 (or 70) Catch-Up Episode!
Episode 8 gets caught up on the mailbag and all Flip Side happenings and shenanigans. Mailbag covers Game of Thrones and unsettling parts of the Bible. Some previews of upcoming episodes, a ranking of which episodes have the most listens, and of course Noah’s Rant, which takes on fitted sheets. Lots of fun (and some good content) had by all.
How Mercy Unfolds, by Guest Author Daniel Arnold
Guest author Daniel Arnold shares of his experiences at The Outreach (of the City Rescue Mission of Lansing), including interviews with other clients and how you can help!
Ep 7 (or 69) Noah interviews Troy High School classmate Matthew Thornton on following Jesus after a life of “Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll”
In episode 7, Noah catches up with high school classmate Matthew Thornton, who is following Jesus after living a life of (in Matthew’s words) “sex, drugs, and rock & roll” that began at age ten and led to full blown alcoholism and accompanying depression at age 21.