There are denominations that believe if you die by suicide, God will automatically send you to hell, regardless of anything else you’ve ever believed. Does the Bible back this up? There is only one passage in Scripture where this argument is made from.
Episode 10: Interview with Damon Seacott on choosing a life of singleness and celibacy
Listen below at or listen/subscribe on iTunes or Google Play. Episode 10 brings a special guest interview with Damon Seacott, who has chosen to live a life of singleness and celibacy. This is a great episode for singles to have someone to relate to, and great for married folks to learn how to be […]
Pre-Marital Sex: What the Bible Says
My latest article is up on the Covenant Eyes blog: Pre-Marital Sex: What the Bible Says
Porn Stats Within the Church
64% of self-identified Christian men and 15% of self-identified Christian women view pornography at least once a month (compared to 65% of non-Christian men and 30% of non-Christian women). (Barna, 2014) 1 in 5 youth pastors and 1 in 7 senior pastors use porn on a regular basis and are currently struggling. That’s more than […]
Episode 9: Why Most Accountability Doesn’t Work + The Importance of Both Wings of God’s Airplane (Judgment & Mercy)
Listen below at or listen/subscribe on iTunes or Google Play.
Beyond the Battle Audiobook now on Audible & iTunes
If you are an Audible user, Beyond the Battle‘s audiobook is now available! (And did you know if you aren’t an Audible user, they’ll give you Beyond the Battle free as your first book) Beyond the Battle the audiobook is also now available on iTunes ($14.95) and at the bookstore ($13.95). Enjoy!