I was on a panel this week at an event entitled Uprooting Racism from the Church, sponsored by the Michigan State University student group MSU Project 1:17. In addition to the live panel, they took anonymous questions from the audience for the speakers to answer online. I’ve realized recently that I haven’t posted about racism […]
God-Honoring Sex
God didn’t randomly create sex and then add a bunch of rules to make it as difficult as possible for us to enjoy. He created it with great intentionality. And the part of that intentionality we so often overlook is that sex is about much more than what happens between the sheets. God-honoring sex produces […]
Read Reviews of Beyond the Battle by Noah Filipiak
You can preview and order Beyond the Battle here. You can leave your own Amazon review here.
How To Find What You’re Looking For In A Pornography Search
I just did a guest post for the Dadding Depressed blog: How To Find What You’re Looking For In A Pornography Search.
Episode 40 – Hip hop artist James Gardin on insecurity, overcoming rejection, and using parables
You can listen to Noah Filipiak’s “Behind the Curtain” Podcast interview with James Gardin on the Podbean Player below or you can subscribe to all “Behind the Curtain” Ministry Podcast episodes on iTunes. (Podcast listening tip: use the podcasts app on your smartphone and listen while driving, doing chores, or working out) Noah Filipiak interviews […]
110,000 Condoms, Porn, & Tinder Highlight the Pyeongchang Olympic Village Activities
Last week Shaun White won a snowboarding gold medal, only to have the spotlight shift toward a 2016 lawsuit against White by a female drummer in his band. She was suing White for sexual harassment, which included forcing her to watch porn of two people have sex on a bear, and several other unsavory allegations. […]