You can listen to Noah Filipiak’s “Behind the Curtain” Podcast interview with Tyler St. Clair on the Podbean Player below or you can subscribe to all “Behind the Curtain” Ministry Podcast episodes on iTunes. (Podcast listening tip: use the podcasts app on your smartphone and listen while driving, doing chores, or working out) Two years […]
Looking at porn? Mad about your marriage or singleness? Read the intro to Beyond the Battle here.
The Lord of the Rings story comes to a climax in the final battle at Mordor as the forces of good square off against the seemingly insurmountable forces of evil. The king Aragorn, the dwarf Gimli, the elf Legolas and the wizard Gandalf represent the best and strongest warriors for good in Middle Earth. These […]
What Jesus’s Atoning Sacrifice Means to Me
I read Hebrews 2:14-18 yesterday. Read it slowly, out loud, a few times: Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil— and free those who all their lives were […]
4 Reasons NOT to Read “Beyond the Battle” by Noah Filipiak
Men, here are 4 reasons you should NOT read Beyond the Battle: A Man’s Guide to His Identity in Christ in an Oversexualized World by Noah Filipiak: 1. You don’t struggle with lust at all. You never check out attractive women when they walk by. You don’t have any desire to look at internet porn […]
Episode 38 – Kent Carlson discusses shifting the church he founded from a seeker-driven megachurch to a church of spiritual formation
You can listen to Noah Filipiak’s “Behind the Curtain” Podcast interview with Kent Carlson on the Podbean Player below or you can subscribe to all “Behind the Curtain” Ministry Podcast episodes on iTunes. (Podcast listening tip: use the podcasts app on your smartphone and listen while driving, doing chores, or working out) Noah Filipiak interviews […]
BONUS Podcast Episode – Noah Filipiak breaks down his new book “Beyond the Battle”
You can listen to Noah Filipiak’s BONUS “Behind the Curtain” Podcast episode on the Podbean Player below or you can subscribe to all “Behind the Curtain” Ministry Podcast episodes on iTunes. (Podcast listening tip: use the podcasts app on your smartphone and listen while driving, doing chores, or working out) In this bonus episode of […]