Easter Sunday is coming, which has a lot of people thinking about resurrection from the dead. Two Sundays ago, I preached on how Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead after he had been dead (and smelly) for 4 days (John 11). This was the straw that broke the camel’s back for the religious leaders to […]
Small Group Videos for “Beyond the Battle: A man’s guide to his identity in Christ in an oversexualized world”
The online videos below are free to view. Visit www.beyondthebattle.net to purchase a small group Leader Guide. Small group video instructions: Play the video with your men’s small group at the beginning of your group time Go through the group discussion questions found in Appendix A of Beyond the Battle. There will be questions about […]
So the pastor asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?”
The Bible is a thick book. Always has been. In the first century, an expert in the Old Testament Scriptures asked Jesus to summarize all of the commands in the Bible into the greatest commandment, to slim down that thick book into something easy to remember. Jesus tells him the greatest commandment is to love […]
Gay, Lesbian & Transgender Folks Should Not Get the Trademark on Sexual Disorientation Labels by the Church
There is a trend in our culture where if you are attracted to the same sex, attracted to both sexes, or identify as a different gender than your birth gender, the cultural tide tells you to go with how you feel, be yourself, and live into these feelings and attractions. It can feel like there […]
Choppin It Up Ep. 10: Emmett Till, trip to Charleston, stereotyping whole ethnic groups & Kyle’s racist encounter at the airport
Email our mailbag at choppinituppodcast@gmail.com with comments and questions that we’ll read on the air. Twitter: https://twitter.com/choppinituppod Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/choppinituppodcast/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/choppinituppodcast/ Tyler’s blog: TylerPSpeaks.com Noah’s blog: AtACrossroads.net (Producer) Kyle’s music: soundcloud.com/servantscorner You can subscribe to episodes on Podbean or can listen and subscribe on iTunes.
Ep. 34: Interview with David Staal on Personal Presence, Transforming Community, & Bringing Hope
Noah Filipiak interviews author and Kids Hope USA President & CEO David Staal on what it means to show up. Showing up with personal presence is a rarity in our noise-filled world of busyness, social media, and getting the next thing on our to-do list accomplished. David’s recent book Show Up: Step Out Of Your Story […]