Noah Filipiak interviews Pastor Doug Logan about planting an urban church in Camden, NJ; Camden was rated the most violent city in America in 2015. Pastor Doug is an expert on missiology, urban ministry and what it looks like for the whole Church to live out the whole Great Commission. He is the pastor of […]
Diffusing the White Privilege Conversation
Discussing white privilege in an effort to bring unity and reconciliation is like walking on a high wire coated with random landmines. You say the wrong thing, the wrong trigger word, and BOOM: end of conversation. I’m going to try my best to navigate this wire, please bear with me with grace. Why this is […]
Choose this day whom you will serve: The Republicans, The Democrats, or Jesus
Quick, what’s your take on immigration? Well that depends if you’re a Republican or a Democrat. What’s your take on abortion? Again, it depends on if you sport the elephant or the donkey. On helping the poor. On Syrian refugees. On systemic racism. Even on sexuality. Of these many hot button issues, where do you […]
Dear Refugee, Immigrant, Muslim & African-American (From a White American Christian)
Dear Refugee, (Documented and Undocumented) Immigrant, Muslim & African-American: This is a letter to tell you you are loved. I love you and many others do as well. Recently some have spewed hate in your direction. They’ve scrawled it on bathroom walls, spray-painted it on dugouts and have told you to go back to “where […]
As Culture’s Cloud of Sex Darkens, Christians Must Shine Brightly
Our culture’s cloud of sexual living continues to get darker, denser and more and more expansive. Everything is becoming normal and everyone is starting younger. Sexual immorality is no respecter of persons. This has little to do with homosexuality vs. heterosexuality or any of the many cultural wars going on in this arena today. It’s […]
Homosexuality Sermon and Q&A with Gay Christian Jim Decke
My friend Jim Decke and I recently did a sermon at Crossroads about homosexuality. Jim shared his testimony of discovering he was gay at a very young age and the ups and downs of trying to get rid of this orientation. Jim eventually gave up and just did as his sexual desires pleased, until eventually […]