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Myth Busters: “I’ll stop looking at porn when I get married”
My next article is up on Covenant Eyes’ blog, check it out: Myth Busters: “I’ll stop looking at porn when I get married” (Please share the Covenant Eyes link, not the one, thanks!)
Where #BlackLivesMatter Lost Me
I’ve been an outspoken supporter of the #BlackLivesMatter movement for years now, attending events, writing blogs, and posting a sign in my front yard. Over the course of time I’ve been supporting BLM, I’ve had to combat a lot of push back about the movement. Especially when more dramatic protests started happening, like people laying […]
Noel Castellanos, CEO of the CCDA – Episode 28 – on living incarnationally among the poor, what’s missing from the American Gospel and how to persevere in the thick of ministry despair
Noel Castellanos is the CEO of the Christian Community Development Association (CCDA) and the author of Where the Cross Meets the Street: What Happens to the Neighborhood When God Is at the Center. Noah Filipiak interviews Noel about the downside of American Evangelicals being obsessed with going to heaven, but neglecting much of Jesus’s example […]
Episode 3: our trending topic of #TerenceCrutcher’s death in Tulsa police shooting takes over the episode. Black Superman comes in at the end insulting Thor and the Incredible Hulk and endures Noah trying to impersonate him.
After a brief mailbag segment from one of our adoring fans with a fake name, our trending topic of Terence Crutcher’s death in Tulsa takes over the episode. Black Superman comes in at the end insulting Thor and the Incredible Hulk and endures Noah trying to impersonate him. Email our mailbag at with comments and questions […]
If you want to push transgender people away from Jesus, call them by their birth name
Simply saying that being transgender or transitioning genders is wrong is a 2 cent answer to a million (billion) dollar question. Like many issues, a person who has no personal experience with the struggle should not go around making cavalier, black and white statements about those who do. This doesn’t mean the Bible doesn’t apply, […]