Some might wonder why Black Lives Matter activists are protesting, doing marches, and sitting in large groups across major highways and Interstates to stop traffic (only to have the police show up and start arresting people if they don’t move).
White Churches: Do not be Silent on Police Brutality
I promise you almost every predominantly black church will talk about the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile this Sunday morning. I can also promise you that almost every predominantly white church will be silent on it. This should not be so. The reason for this is because the killing of unarmed black men […]
You can (and should) be for both Black Lives & Police Lives
I’ve been writing that black lives matter for a little while now. I have a “BLACK LIVES MATTER” yard sign in my front lawn. As a white pastor who was raised in the suburbs, I get a decent amount of push back on the things I write due to the culture and perspective of many […]
Interview with Pastor & Author Zack Eswine on Pastoring and how “Large, Famous & Fast” were not Values of Jesus’s
Noah Filipiak interviews 2016 Christianity Today Book of the Year (in the Category of The Church/Pastoral Leadership) award winner Dr. Zack Eswine. In addition to the award-winning The Imperfect Pastor: Discovering Joy in Our Limitations through a Daily Apprenticeship with Jesus, Zack is also the author of Spurgeon’s Sorrows: Realistic Hope for those who Suffer […]
Grace Filled Sexuality
What comes to mind when you hear the phrase grace filled sexuality? I know I have Jesus’s grace, so if I live sexually in a way that is different than God’s design/commands, I’m okay and I’ll be forgiven. The Christian whose sexual desires differ from God’s design for sex often find themselves in quite a […]
Reflections on celebrating 12 years of marriage and Father’s Day on the same day
Celebrating 12 years of marriage today with Jennifer ‘Good’ Filipiak, as well as Father’s Day on the same day. A lot to reflect on and be grateful for. A lot of times on Facebook anniversary posts, we tend to make things sound like every second of our married lives is total bliss. This is seldom […]