Noah Filipiak interviews World Relief’s Haiti Country Director, Joseph Bataille. Haiti was the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere before the 2010 earthquake and even more so after. All this despite millions and millions of dollars of international aid over the course of decades. Noah and Joseph have a “behind the curtain” conversation about how […]
How Evangelical Christians Should Respond to the Orlando Nightclub Massacre
49 people were gunned down and killed in an Orlando gay bar early Sunday morning, with another 53 wounded. You can read more about the gut-wrenching story here (CNN). The Orlando Sentinel is compiling a page where you can read a short tribute about each of the victims. There are lots of heavy elements to […]
Things that are Great if You’re White: (Highlighting the sad but true racial reality)
I’m white. I can use AirBnB instead of hotels when I travel. I can drive around wherever I want without fear of getting pulled over for no reason. I can shop in stores without being followed by employees or security. My culture is always the dominant culture surrounding me. I never have to assimilate to […]
#GiveElsaAGirlfriend Campaign for Frozen 2 Shows Our Empty Definition of Love
Trending on Facebook this week is the #GiveElsaAGirlfriend hashtag, a campaign lobbying to give Disney’s Frozen star a female love interest in the upcoming sequel. Idina Menzel, the actress who plays Elsa’s voice, made headlines when asked in an Entertainment Weekly interview about the campaign, “I think it’s great,” she told ET on Sunday of […]
Full Results from Survey of 504 Christian Singles’ Experience in Church, Including Comments
I conducted a survey of 504 Christian singles to find out what their experience in church as a single has been. I wrote several articles based on pieces of the data, but haven’t published the complete data until now. Below are links to the articles from the data, followed by all of the data (including […]
The Growl of An Empty Stomach
My latest article published on Covenant Eyes’ blog is entitled The Growl of An Empty Stomach. It’s about why we are drawn to sexual and relational temptation and how we can cure our symptoms.