I was interviewed today by Mark Bashore on WKAR’s Current State radio program. WKAR is Lansing’s NPR station. The interview covered doing church in a bar and purchasing alcohol for people, as well as our church’s mission to become a multiracial church and do racial reconciliation as a primary part of our mission:
An Agnostic and a Druid on Church in a Bar, Free Beer
We’ve been doing church in a bar, buying a free drink for first timers. Here’s an unsolicited blog comment I received this week following our 2nd time doing The Upper Room. Check out ChurchAtTheLoft.com if you’d like to come join us on a Tuesday night. This post was written by an agnostic who came to […]
Detroit Free Press & LSJ: Video of Noah Filipiak Sharing Jesus in a Bar
You can find this video on the Lansing State Journal’s story about The Upper Room, as well as the Detroit Free Press’ story: The USA Today story shows a one minute clip of my sermon at The Upper Room from November 11th:
Haters Gonna Hate: Flak from having beer at church
(disclaimer for clarity: “Haters gonna hate” is a tongue in cheek way of talking about people who give you criticism. It’s a somewhat popular figure of speech made much more popular by the recent Taylor Swift song “Shake it Off,” where Swift also uses it in what I think is a tongue and cheek fashion. […]
Pray for your Pastor
This reminded me of the recent blog post I did on The Struggles of Being a Pastor. This is another great reminder to pray for your pastor. I’m not posting this for self-pity or to complain, but to raise awareness as most all of these are true of me and likely of your pastor as […]
Joel Osteen: Replacing Hope in Jesus with Hope in Good Things Happening
Here’s why I’m analyzing Joel Osteen’s Ministry. Here’s the Facebook blurb we’ll be analyzing today: *Is this from the Bible? (If so, where? If not, what part of the Bible contradicts it?) I never like it when people say “The Scripture tells us…” but they don’t give a reference. This is a good indicator that […]