To my white Christian friends, when you read/listen to this, do so with humility, an open heart, and most of all with compassion. The question is not “Do you agree with all of Bizzle‘s points?” The question is, “Do you have compassion on what Bizzle, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, John Crawford, Eric Garner and so […]
How to Stop Looking at Porn
If you’re wondering how to stop looking at porn, the first thing you need to do is stop the bleeding. The majority of porn nowadays is viewed online, so you have to get an online filter and/or monitoring software for all of your online devices. I recommend Covenant Eyes (use promo code BEYOND to get […]
The Difference in Church Customers vs. Contributers–Which Are You?
Most people think 1 Corinthians 14 is only about whether we should speak in tongues in church or not. What I found when preaching on this text a few weeks ago was a much broader, and in my opinion, much more important meaning. What this chapter ultimately answers is the question, What is the purpose […]
Why what Joel & Victoria Osteen said is a false gospel
Yesterday I posted Bible verses that show Victoria and Joel Osteen to be false teachers, along with a video that’s been circulating Facebook of a recent church service of theirs: I honestly wish the Bill Cosby blurb wasn’t added at the end, as my intention is not to mock the Osteen’s or to bash on […]
Bible Verses that show Victoria & Joel Osteen are false teachers
(You can read my thoughts here on why what the Olsteen’s said is a false teaching) The Bible on false teachers: Romans 16:17-18 I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not […]
Helpful Words from a Gay Christian on Homosexuality and the Bible
I always find it helpful and refreshing to hear from Christians who are gay who decided to surrender their sex lives to the design God lays out in the Bible. I say this is refreshing because the alternative message you hear in the “gay Christian debate” is to make Scripture say what you want it […]