God does not look good in a bikini. God does not have the perfect body. God is not sexy. God is not cool. God is not a movie star. God is not an athlete. God is not a model. God is not a celebrity. God doesn’t write paychecks. God is not a retirement plan. God […]
Bringing 1 Corinthians 11 Head Coverings Back for 2014
I recently preached on a confusing passage of Scripture that most of us skip over in our devotional time: 1 Corinthians 11:1-16 on women wearing head coverings and men not having long hair. It was not a sermon I thought I’d be writing a follow-up blog to, nor was it a passage I would have […]
Free E-Book from Covenant Eyes: Your Brain on Porn
Check out this free E-Book from Covenant Eyes: Your Brain on Porn. It scientifically hits on what porn does to us biologically, as well as gives biblical ways to find freedom from it. There is some very interesting research shown. For example, research of university students showed 51% of men and 16% of women spend […]
The Scariness of Governmental Power in the Hobby Lobby Abortion Case
(This is a parallel post that goes along with: The Scariness of Religious Power in the Hobby Lobby Abortion Case) We all have fears of the government ruling over us as dictators, do we not? We see dictators and communist systems of our past and present, along with sci-fi movies and thriller novels based around […]
The Scariness of Religious Power in the Hobby Lobby Abortion Case
(This is a parallel post that goes along with: The Scariness of Governmental Power in the Hobby Lobby Abortion Case) The recent Hobby Lobby court ruling surrounding contraception, abortion and mandated health care presents another murky situation where we as a society are trying to determine the boundaries of governmental authority, religious freedom and personal […]
For When I Want to Be a Christian Celebrity
I officiated a wedding this weekend and was reminded of John the Baptist. John the Baptist was essentially the Christian rock star of the 1st century: huge crowds followed him, everyone retweeted him, and he was on the New York Times best seller list every time he wrote a book. In fact, there were murmurs […]