Hey, your kids are likely looking at porn. And you might be as well. (And I was) So why not spend a small amount of money and stop the porn from being so easily accessible for all of you? Unique perks of each product in blue…
I used to review several products I’ve used on different devices but finally found one that works on all devices and works extremely well: Covenant Eyes, so I’ve shortened my review to simply cover Covenant Eyes. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Use promo code CROSSROADS to receive your first month free.
For Mac, PC, Android, iPad & iPhone:
- I personally use Covenant Eyes on my Mac laptop, my iPad and my iPhone. The thing I like best about Covenant Eyes is that you can put it on multiple devices for no extra charge and that they have great supplemental purity support from a Christian perspective.
- Covenant Eyes Monitoring Software provides some flexible pricing options. The base monitoring system monitors all URLs visited (websites and all links, images, and media within a website) and gives a rating for each one. It then emails the reports regularly to accountability partners.
- The monitoring service is $9/month for the first user. You can add the same software on all of your devices for no additional fee (true for all Covenant Eyes products). Use promo code CROSSROADS to receive your first month free.
- Covenant Eyes also provides a filter (for all devices except Android) that provides custom block/allow URL lists, as well as age-based filter settings and time-of-day settings.
- The filtering software is only $5/month for the first user. (additional users are $1.50)
- The combo pack of the accountability software and the filter is $10.50/month for the first user. A family plan (where you can separately track different users) is $13/month (unlimited user accounts, unlimited devices)
Feel free to leave a comment or Contact Me if you have any questions about any of the above products
Here are some great free resources from Covenant Eyes as well:
UNFILTERED – this is a new presentation for parents to help them have the tough conversations with kids about Internet Pornography
- Ep. 112: Pushing PAUSE on the Podcast - March 1, 2025
- Ep. 111: Rev. Dr. Michael Carrion – Pastoral Thoughts on Mass Deportation and this Cultural Moment - February 17, 2025
- How You Can Tangibly Help Refugees in Your City - February 12, 2025
Hi, Noah —
I’ll say again that I really appreciate your information and candor about the subjects of pornography, lust, sexual addiction, etc.., as well as relationships.I have a question I hope you can help with:
I’ve heard of some kind of technology for iPhones that can be installed to monitor cell phone usage — not only websites (like Covenant Eyes can monitor) but also phone calls and texts, including those deleted.
Do you know anything about this? Someone in my family needs accountability in this area, and we would need that technology to monitor phone call & texts and especially those that have been deleted.
Thanks for any help you can give in this regard —
Janis Leal
Hi Janis, I used to use a program called eBlaster Mobile by Spector Soft that did all of these things, but it was only for Android devices. Strangely, I don’t think they sell it anymore as I haven’t been able to find it on their website, whereas it used to be a featured product. I did find this webpage which is still active so maybe they do through this backdoor: http://www.spectorsoft.com/support/QuickStart.asp?TheProduct=92 but like I said, it’d have to be done with an Android phone so the person in your family would have to be willing to trade in their iPhone. Probably worth sending their customer support and email, provide the link I pasted above, and ask them if they do indeed still sell eBlaster Mobile or not. Make sure you include the word “Mobile” because it’s a separate product from their Mac/PC eBlaster. If you do end up being able to make the purchase, use the promo code “CROSSROADS” and you’ll get 10% off, as I should still be set up with them as an affiliate.
Hi Janis, I just did a quick Google search and found this: http://download.cnet.com/iKeyMonitor/3000-2162_4-75691441.html I’m not familiar with it but it looks legit. Probably is worth trying their 3-day free trial. Let me know if you end up trying it and/or buying it and if so, how well it works as it’d be a great resource to tell others about if it works well.
Covenant Eyes is a great idea with a fairly common flaw. The flaw is that nobody talks about the problems that using the software generates on a PC. I have several times tried using CE and each time found that it was causing conflicts with my antivirus and antimalware systems. Each and every time, after two days of attempting to correct the problem, and in one case spending $150 on a techie coming into my home to fix the problem, the results were the same: nothing wrong with the PC, but this Covenant Eyes program is blocking your system. Then I would contact CE and they would at this point say Oh Yes we know it causes that problem with that antimalware program, try this and maybe it will fix it. Not impressed.
I’m sorry to hear that. I use a Mac so don’t have any anti-virus software, so it works well for me. I would suggest contacting CE’s tech support, which obviously you already did. I hope they can come up with a solution, or you can a different find antivirus/antimalware program that does work well with it.
Pls remove porno.com
Pls UNSUBSCRIBE porno.com from my phone.
Pls STOP porno (300) from my Android phone