The books The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman and His Needs Her Needs by Willard Harley have been very helpful to a lot of couples. I’ve read them both, they’ve both been very helpful to my wife’s and my marriage, and I recommend them both as helpful tools for you. There is a subtle […]
Should I Talk to My Spouse About My Porn Problem?
There is no greater accountability than knowing your spouse is watching you. It is unlikely that you would look at pornography or flirt with your co-worker if your spouse was standing there next to you. This is what I love about Spector Pro’s screenshot system. I know my wife has access to minute-by-minute screenshots of […]
The Secret of Affair Proofing Your Marriage
When you are dating, engaged, and newly married, you never think you’ll have an affair. You hear stories about other people who had them, sometimes prominent Christian leaders, and typically a feeling of both condemnation and heartbreak sweep over you. But the thought that you’d be capable of such a thing is as foreign as […]