I’ve been blogging recently about pornography and how it distorts how we are designed to view the opposite sex as well as the act of sex itself. This comes from my own story and experiences. I discovered Micah Bournes poetic art at the Justice Conference a few weeks ago and purchased his album, The Man […]
8 Hidden Benefits of Being Single
One of Satan’s biggest temptations for married people is to want to be single. I’ve found that one of his biggest temptations for single people is to want to be married. This was the case for me when I was single and is the case for most of my single friends. Yet in spite of […]
The Secret of Affair Proofing Your Marriage
When you are dating, engaged, and newly married, you never think you’ll have an affair. You hear stories about other people who had them, sometimes prominent Christian leaders, and typically a feeling of both condemnation and heartbreak sweep over you. But the thought that you’d be capable of such a thing is as foreign as […]
A Good Post for Valentine’s Day
I found this video a few days ago and thought it fitting to share on Valentine’s Day: [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4OK9DmLpCY&w=560&h=315] I blogged on marriage a few months ago and posted a sermon I did on the difficulties of marriage as Jen and I shared difficulties in our own marriage in a Sunday morning sermon. I think […]
Marriage is Hard
Our culture loves to obsess over weddings, but is rampant with affairs and divorces. I’m not writing this to judge those who have gone through a divorce, but it is an undeniable reality that the majority of marriages start out with the bang of an elaborate ceremony but end up sputtering out before the vows […]