Much of what fuels a single person to long for marriage is the lack of feeling of wholeness they have, and the idea that marriage will bring them that wholeness. In this sense, marriage becomes an idol, and we know idols never fulfill their promises. Many married people have bought into this trap as well, […]
Correcting Jeremiah 29:11, Does God really have plans to prosper you?
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. You’ll find Jeremiah 29:11 in many places. I once wore it on a bracelet as a teenager. It was on a poster on our […]
Methods of Retraining Your Sexually-Damaged Heart and Mind
I want to focus some blog posts on the ways I have reconditioned my mind to leave the world of fantasy that our sex-saturated world creates and to train it to embrace reality instead. This is a long and comprehensive process so each of these posts will hit on one tool in the toolbox. (Read […]
Virginity is Curable
I’ve been blogging recently about pornography and how it distorts how we are designed to view the opposite sex as well as the act of sex itself. This comes from my own story and experiences. I discovered Micah Bournes poetic art at the Justice Conference a few weeks ago and purchased his album, The Man […]
8 Hidden Benefits of Being Single
One of Satan’s biggest temptations for married people is to want to be single. I’ve found that one of his biggest temptations for single people is to want to be married. This was the case for me when I was single and is the case for most of my single friends. Yet in spite of […]
A Good Post for Valentine’s Day
I found this video a few days ago and thought it fitting to share on Valentine’s Day: [youtube] I blogged on marriage a few months ago and posted a sermon I did on the difficulties of marriage as Jen and I shared difficulties in our own marriage in a Sunday morning sermon. I think […]