Matt Dobschuetz of the Porn Free Radio podcast and Noah team up for a combo episode where they interview each other and have a conversation about how to break free from porn and how to stay free.
What “Euphoria Highs” Are Really Doing to You
I was on Twitter posting something about Beyond the Battle, only to be greeted by a sensual, almost nude photo of Megan Fox in the “Trending” section, with the subtitle: Megan Fox Got in On the “Euphoria High” Trend With This Cutout Top. Thanks Twitter. When on YouTube earlier in the day posting a video […]
Ep. 60: Noah’s Story Part 1: Porn & Sex
Noah begins a 3-part series on his story, with part 1 being about pornography and sex.
Ep. 49: The Sex Episode
Noah previews his new book Beyond the Battle: A man’s guide to his identity in Christ in an oversexualized world, which releases July 13th and is available for pre-order now.
Ep. 45: Interview with Nate Larkin on recovering from a life of sexual addiction and finding the path of vulnerability and grace
Noah interviews Nate Larkin, a former pastor, on his extraordinary life of finding grace, freedom, and vulnerable community after decades of porn and sex addiction.
Psalm 16 Devotional – Ending the Never-ending Chase
This is a perfect picture of the alcoholic, so thirsty for a drink that satisfies, yet never does. Barbossa’s plight always reminded me of my previous porn addiction: wanting something that satisfied, but always being left empty. Tasting the wine in my mouth, but it emptying out onto my feet. The only way to keep the wine inside of me was to keep drinking more and more and more of it. Our culture feeds us this lie about sex all the time, with people having sex before marriage with regularly, yet continuing to come up empty, in loneliness and despair, masking it all by chasing the next hit with even more abandon than the last. In the Pirates clip, the crew-mates reaction to Barbossa’s wine is telling. They are all staring silently at what is one of the most tragic sights imaginable, then when he looks at them they all laugh as loud as they can! If they can make his tragedy cool and popular and desirable and normal, it will mask how sunk they really are.