I’ve ripped on health & wealth theology (also called the prosperity gospel) for a long time. What I’d like to do here is slow down and examine the intent behind health & wealth theology, what parts are true biblically, and what parts come from reading the Bible incorrectly. When the New Testament gives verse after […]
Why Ken Ham’s Noah’s Ark Attraction Makes Me So Sad…
I read The Associated Press article “Noah’s ark of biblical proportions ready to open in Kentucky” (by Dylan Lovan) in the Grand Rapids Press this morning. There is one quote from this article that makes me so sad. Sad as a word doesn’t even begin to describe the depth of emotion and righteous anger I […]
What does the Bible say about the Sabbath?
What does the Bible say about the Sabbath? Why did God institute the Sabbath on the 7th day of his creation? Was he tired? Did he need a nap after all that creating? Of course not. So why in Genesis 2:2-3 does God rest from all of his work, blessing the day and making it […]
The Parts of the Bible I Don’t Like
There are lots of parts in the Bible I don’t like. And I’m not talking about sins I’d like to commit that the Bible tells me not to, that’s a different conversation. I’m talking parts of the Bible that make me cringe. Parts that don’t make sense to my 21st century American mind. Parts that […]
What does the Bible say about the Trinity?
What does the Bible say about the Trinity? The Best Way to Explain the Trinity The Trinity. How can such a core doctrine of the Christian faith be so confusing? And why does it even matter? The doctrine of the Trinity is the understanding that God is 1 essence and 3 persons (God the Father, […]
What does the Bible say about tithing and money?
What does the Bible say about tithing and money? Does Tithing Apply to New Testament Christians? It was a good week to skip church a couple weeks ago: the tithing sermon! Just kidding, of course, but it can certainly feel that way can’t it? Tithing (giving 10% of your income to the local church) […]