Noah and Mike Wittmer talk through his most recent book, The Bible Explainer, a Q&A book on origins, the Old Testament, Jesus, the end times, and much more (over 250 entries). This is a fun and very helpful conversation that is sure to strengthen and encourage your faith.
Jesus’ Words Get to Determine what He Meant by “Love,” You Don’t
At the end of the day, I’m just tired of people saying, “Jesus says ABC about love,” when there are direct quotes from Jesus that say exactly the opposite.
Podcast Ep 8 (or 70) Catch-Up Episode!
Episode 8 gets caught up on the mailbag and all Flip Side happenings and shenanigans. Mailbag covers Game of Thrones and unsettling parts of the Bible. Some previews of upcoming episodes, a ranking of which episodes have the most listens, and of course Noah’s Rant, which takes on fitted sheets. Lots of fun (and some good content) had by all.
How to See the Supernatural
My 6-year-old daughter has been avidly reading her kids Bible. She’s read it through several times and is now excitedly reading her sister’s kids Bible, which her sister just got her for 5th birthday this week. Using sister’s birthday presents is always better than using your own, of course. These are the kids Bibles that […]
A humble, biblical look at health & wealth theology (the prosperity gospel)
I’ve ripped on health & wealth theology (also called the prosperity gospel) for a long time. What I’d like to do here is slow down and examine the intent behind health & wealth theology, what parts are true biblically, and what parts come from reading the Bible incorrectly. When the New Testament gives verse after […]
Why Ken Ham’s Noah’s Ark Attraction Makes Me So Sad…
I read The Associated Press article “Noah’s ark of biblical proportions ready to open in Kentucky” (by Dylan Lovan) in the Grand Rapids Press this morning. There is one quote from this article that makes me so sad. Sad as a word doesn’t even begin to describe the depth of emotion and righteous anger I […]