It pains me when I see Christians drift away from Jesus because they begin to see the Old Testament stories as mythology…which discredits the Bible to them…which discredits Jesus. Those of us who grew up in church didn’t have a problem accepting that an ancient boat filled with every species of animal floated for 40 […]
You Can’t Have the New Testament Jesus without the Old Testament God
There’s a growing trend that Christians want to have the “nice”, “gracious”, and “loving” New Testament Jesus but reject the “wrathful”, “judgmental”, and “violent” Old Testament God.
Why God Was Justified to Bring Harsh Judgment in the Old Testament
I recently wrote about some of the harsh Bible verses we find in the Old Testament, where God commands his people to kill entire people groups, including their women and infants. These are the verses picked out by leading atheist Richard Dawkins and others who are anti-Christian to smear God’s name, and in general serve […]
Why the Weird Old Testament Laws Ever Existed
We’ve been discussing the weird laws found in the Old Testament and how these laws / promises no longer apply to us as Christians. We then discussed why the Old Testament is still very much God’s Word to us though. The next logical question to ask is why these weird laws ever existed in the […]
Despite its oddities, why the Old Testament is still God’s Word to us
After reading a post entitled Why the Old Testament promises and laws don’t apply to us, hopefully your first response is, “Well, what is the point of the Old Testament then? Is it even God’s Word? Why is it even in the Bible?” The New Testament gives succinct and clear answers to these questions in […]
Why the Old Testament promises and laws don’t apply to us
(This post is Part 2 in a series on “Understanding Weird Parts of the Bible”, read Part 1 “Old vs. New Covenant” here) The foundational understanding we need when approaching any part of the Bible is to figure out “What part of this text is the divinely inspired, authoritative message that can be applied in […]