After a Crossroads membership class, I had a friend ask to meet with me about some concerns he was having. In a nutshell, he had some doubts about the historicity of some parts of the Bible, like Jonah and the early parts of Genesis. Because of these doubts, he was questioning his entire view of […]
Problems with the Protestant Reformation
This is a follow-up post to a question I asked last week, Is the Bible like Candy? The Protestant Reformation is the historical event that Protestants look back on with celebration and where we draw many of our theological distinctives from. One of the biggest achievements of the Reformation which caused a huge shift within […]
Is the Bible like Candy?
In churches, we hand out Bibles like candy. If you are interested in seeking God or you are a brand new Christian, you will be handed a Bible, told to read it, and you will begin to grow in your faith as a result. So a person, with zero knowledge of what the Bible actually […]