Kim Davis is just the beginning folks. There will be more Kim Davis’s, more protests, more anger, more butting of heads and shouting over top of one another. Whatever side you’re on, I think all agree the Kim Davis situation is a debacle. A debacle for different reasons depending on your side, but a debacle […]
Research shows 45% of Christian singles feel outcast within the Church, 3% are LGBTQ
3.37% of the Christian singles in your church are gay.* At least a recent research survey of 504 Christian singles indicates this (Click here for research demographics and controls). *3.37% checked the box indicating their sexual orientation as “LGBTQ (also check if you best relate with the term “same sex attraction”)” If same sex attraction […]
Sermon on Lust, Singleness, Homosexuality, Porn & Marriage
Springboarding off of David’s adultery with Bathsheba in 2 Samuel 11-12, I preached a sermon on Lust, Singleness, Homosexuality, Porn & Marriage this past Sunday. It was helpful to many and I hope it’s helpful to you as well. Click here if you’re interested in getting 2 months free of Covenant Eyes’ online purity filter […]
What does the Bible say about same sex attraction?
What does the Bible say about same sex attraction? Same Sex Attraction / Orientation is Not a Sin Here’s a few things the Bible says about homosexuality. Keep in mind, it is very important that we don’t add to the Bible or subtract from the Bible. The Bible says that homosexual action is a sin. […]
3 Ways Christians View Homosexuality in the Bible
The recent Supreme Court gay marriage decision has caused a flurry of conversation amongst churches, pastors and Christian bloggers, myself included. What I’ve noticed is there are three primary ways Christians are seeing the Bible’s texts about homosexuality: 1. All of the Bible is true, including the texts that forbid homosexual sin. (which has a […]
Sharing about SCOTUS Gay Marriage Decision at Our Church
I recently blogged on how churches should be talking about the recent SCOTUS gay marriage ruling. Here’s a recording of what I said to my church this past Sunday: