We often make deals with God. God I’ll do this for you, if I get this in return. So when we don’t get what we wanted in return… the deal is off.
What Madonna, Ted Kluck, and I have in common…
Finding God in the Dark includes a quote from Madonna: “I have an iron will, and all of my will has always been to conquer some horrible feeling of inadequacy…My drive in life is from this horrible fear of being mediocre.” (p.57)
The Reason We Take Things Into Our Own Hands…
I recently posted on reading the book, Finding God in the Dark and that I’d be following up on several helpful quotes from the book… Page 30 of Finding God in the Dark states, “The reason we take things into our own hands is we don’t believe God’s hands are really at work.” This truth […]
Finding God in the Dark
I just finished reading Finding God in the Dark by Ted Kluck & Ronnie Martin, and it was very well timed. The thing about the book that strikes you right off the bat, as well as what I appreciate most about it, is its raw honesty about the realities of life. I blog quite a […]
From 0 to 60 in…60 years
I always want to do things so fast. When I was a kid, I wanted to be an adult (so I could stay out and play longer) When I was in high school, I wanted to be in college (where I could be free) When I was in college, I wanted to graduate (so I […]
Porn is getting smeared in the news and in research studies
Data, research, and statistics are great. Especially when they show what many of us have known about porn for a long time. But people don’t always listen to preachers. Or care about what something does to their heart, their soul, and their relationships. But they’ll listen to the news. And to data, research, and statistics. […]