The books The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman and His Needs Her Needs by Willard Harley have been very helpful to a lot of couples. I’ve read them both, they’ve both been very helpful to my wife’s and my marriage, and I recommend them both as helpful tools for you. There is a subtle […]
How to Find Your Calling…
Christians often ask themselves and their pastors what steps they need to take to find their calling. They feel a bit lost in life, maybe stuck in a job they don’t like, trying to figure out their major in college, or just have a general feeling of restlessness. So I’m here to give you the […]
one, or how else would we be inspired to compose such glorious music in his name? In no particular order, here are the 4 best songs of all time. We will be doing each at Crossroads Church this Sunday (including choreography) so learn them now so you can come sing along. Please vote in the comment section on who is #1…
Social Justice Burning You Out? Stop Trying to Change the World.
In my review of Ken Wytsma‘s book Pursuing Justice, I talk about how after a zealous start of caring about social justice issues, I went through a period of burnout. Burnout that was due to the overwhelming number of different types of horrible things in the world, the overwhelming reach each of these issues had, […]
What has God put on your heart? Go do it.
Romans 8:31 What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? 1 Samuel 14:6 Perhaps the LORD will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the LORD from saving, whether by many or by few.” Romans 8:37 No, in all these things we are more […]
Are there different levels of being gay?
I worded this title awkwardly on purpose as a way of drawing interest, but it points to a question I think needs to be looked at in the homosexuality conversation within the Church. The reason is because Christians often assume that every gay person’s circumstances are the same, so should be approached the same. Whereas […]