I plan to do a series of posts on the topic of homosexuality, gay Christians, and the Church, and I invite your comments. Please watch (below) or listen to the sermon before making a comment. Please do not “Internet troll” the comment section. There are plenty of forums out there for that and it won’t […]
Beep Beep Bleep – backing up on my use of the W-word
I wrote a blog a few days ago about getting the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition mailed to me unexpectedly, and the issues this caused me. In this post, I used the word “whore” to describe a mindset I use to defend myself against the women on the pages. Many read the post and the word […]
Doing justice without the burnout – “Pursuing Justice” Book Review
It’s hard for me to read Christian books on social justice. I love the content and the biblical accuracy of what they present, but I’ve consistently found myself struggling with guilt, compassion fatigue, and despair (that there are SO many problems, how can I solve them?) in my attempts to study social justice in recent […]
How Should We Treat the Women in Porn, the Swimsuit Edition, etc.?
Yesterday I blogged on receiving the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition in my mailbox against my will, and how this surprise really set me on edge, due to my past issues with pornography. The blog I wrote was an emotional response to this surprise seduction, a seduction that sends my marriage, my ministry, and my entire […]
Boycott Sports Illustrated & their Swimsuit Edition of Pornography
My parents had a free subscription to Sports Illustrated awarded to them and they decided to transfer it to me, knowing I’m a big sports fan. This made me nervous because the biggest temptations from my past in my battle with pornography has been their swimsuit edition. In fact, their swimsuit website was my first […]
Why the Weird Old Testament Laws Ever Existed
We’ve been discussing the weird laws found in the Old Testament and how these laws / promises no longer apply to us as Christians. We then discussed why the Old Testament is still very much God’s Word to us though. The next logical question to ask is why these weird laws ever existed in the […]