Why don’t churches talk about sex and pornography more? Whether you’re married or single, in adolescence or adulthood, sex and what to do about it bombards your reality, yet the Church, which should be the place ushering us into the true reality of Jesus’ Kingdom, is often strangely silent on this topic (yet Jesus wasn’t…). […]
John 3:16 is Overrated
I had a great time at Crossroads’ Grand Opening Sunday this past Sunday. I ran in Lansing’s half marathon (read my blog on it) prior to preaching, which made for quite an adventure (got to church with 8 minutes to spare before the service started!), but really the whole morning was an exciting rush. We […]
Why I Believe in God (hint: It’s not because of the Bible)
For the past week and half, I’ve been reflecting on the Theology on Tap that we did at Tavern on the Square in downtown Lansing. It was our first T.O.T. and we plan to do one on the 3rd Thursday of every month. We tackled the topic, “Views of Creation” in an attempt to break […]
Miracle Myths
On July 3rd, I preached a sermon entitled “Wanting a Prayer Answered But Needing Jesus” from John 6: [vimeo http://vimeo.com/26040686] In my own life, I’ve often found myself to be confused about why God doesn’t seem to answer my prayers for people’s healing (or at least not in dramatic ways), yet I read about dramatic […]