An article in the USA Today section of the Lansing State Journal caught my eye recently, “Sex before first date OK, but a cracked phone? Think again.” The article breaks down some of the 2017 Singles in America survey, an annual survey funded by the dating service Match. The most jaw-dropping takeaway from the survey […]
Gently Addressing 4 Misconceptions About Immigration & Refugees
I didn’t grow up around immigrants or refugees. When undocumented immigrants started coming across my news radar a few years ago, I was confused. I figured a person could just go to the Secretary of State’s office and apply for citizenship and be on their way, so why weren’t these immigrants doing just that? I […]
Suffering & Living Like this World is Heaven
Suffering is one of the most common reasons people doubt God. If God is so loving, how can such bad things happen? Trite statements by Christians only make this worse: Something good will come out this, just wait. God has a purpose for everything. Something good will come out of rape, child abuse, or the […]
Love? Nothing Says Valentine’s Day Like Fifty Shades Darker & the SI Swimsuit Edition
It’s February, which means Valentine’s Day is coming. The season of love. You can tell a lot about a culture by the way it celebrates holidays and in this case, you can tell a lot about what a culture thinks love is. If you asked a person on the street what love is, you would […]
Ep. 32: Authors Sarah Arthur & Erin Wasinger on their year of living out radical faith in ordinary contexts, Pinterest Fails & the American Dream
Radical Christianity and New Monasticism are exciting movements of the faith. But can they be applied to “ordinary” contexts like the suburbs, child-rearing and hectic schedules? Sarah Arthur and Erin Wasinger seek to find out as they spend a year doing one intentional practice each month. What they find out is refreshing and freeing for […]
Apology: Trying to figure out how to be zealous without being prideful
This past Sunday night in our small group, we came upon the following verse from 2 Timothy 2:25: Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth It hit me pretty clearly that I have not been doing this in the past […]