After a brief mailbag segment from one of our adoring fans with a fake name, our trending topic of Terence Crutcher’s death in Tulsa takes over the episode. Black Superman comes in at the end insulting Thor and the Incredible Hulk and endures Noah trying to impersonate him. Email our mailbag at with comments and questions […]
If you want to push transgender people away from Jesus, call them by their birth name
Simply saying that being transgender or transitioning genders is wrong is a 2 cent answer to a million (billion) dollar question. Like many issues, a person who has no personal experience with the struggle should not go around making cavalier, black and white statements about those who do. This doesn’t mean the Bible doesn’t apply, […]
Choppin It Up Ep. 2: Mailbag reactions to Colin Kaepernick, Our thumbs up or thumbs down on the Black Lives Matter movement, and Black Superman’s bowling date with his nemesis Charlie Puth.
We discuss some strong opinions from our mailbag regarding Colin Kaepernick, who continues to be the trending racial topic in our country. We also give our thoughts on the official Black Lives Matter movement. Last but not least, we catch up with Black Superman as he shares about his bowling date with the archangel Michael […]
Choppin It Up Ep.1: A podcast about race, race & race – On Colin Kaepernick, why saying we’re “one race” or being “color blind” isn’t helpful & an interview with Black Superman
In this pilot episode, Tyler St. Clair and Noah Filipiak discuss their views of Colin Kaepernick sitting during the National Anthem. They also discuss why someone saying they are “color blind” or that we’re all “one race” is not a helpful way to approach race. And a rare interview with the elusive Black Superman. Email […]
GoFundKyle – Let’s Send Kyle Lake to Seminary!
Kyle Lake is our Youth Director at Crossroads Church. He does an awesome job leading our youth group of around 30 teens, most of whom are from the inner city and whose parents don’t attend church with them. He also leads our summer park ministries. There are two of these each week, at two different […]
How does race in America relate to the Church as the Body of Christ?
This is the most direct I’ve been about race while preaching in a while. I’ve been really hit hard about the real ramifications of Romans 12:1-16 as it relates to the Church as the Body of Christ (as well as the many other passages that use this metaphor). My heart was to effectively communicate what […]