Yesterday I posted Bible verses that show Victoria and Joel Osteen to be false teachers, along with a video that’s been circulating Facebook of a recent church service of theirs: I honestly wish the Bill Cosby blurb wasn’t added at the end, as my intention is not to mock the Osteen’s or to bash on […]
Bible Verses that show Victoria & Joel Osteen are false teachers
(You can read my thoughts here on why what the Olsteen’s said is a false teaching) The Bible on false teachers: Romans 16:17-18 I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not […]
Helpful Words from a Gay Christian on Homosexuality and the Bible
I always find it helpful and refreshing to hear from Christians who are gay who decided to surrender their sex lives to the design God lays out in the Bible. I say this is refreshing because the alternative message you hear in the “gay Christian debate” is to make Scripture say what you want it […]
My faith hero John M. Perkins on Racism, Reconciliation & the Church
I had the privilege of attending a luncheon today featuring 84-year-old John M. Perkins, a man who tops my list of faith heroes. His autobiography Let Justice Roll Down is a must read and will transform you. Dr. Perkins was a key leader in the Civil Rights Movement, was tortured and almost killed in prison […]
Ferguson’s Michael Brown Reveals Problem + What We Can Do About it
By now everyone has most likely heard about the shooting and killing of unarmed 18-year-old African-American Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri on August 9, 2014. The story is intense and certainly a lot to digest. Stories like these can be tough to figure out because they often feel like a case of “he said, she […]
Robin Williams Reminds Us To Remove the Stigma of Depression
Robin Williams’ death affected a lot of people. In fact, based on Twitter and Facebook posts following his death, I’d say his death may have affected more people than any celebrity death in recent memory. What I hope is that his death serves as a further catalyst to remove the stigma that so often goes […]