A non-Christian friend of mine was recently struggling with the amount of evil he saw in the world. He doesn’t believe in God, but he seemed to see evil everywhere and admitted to believing Satan was behind it. I asked him to consider the implications of believing in Satan, but not in a God who […]
We raised $____ at the Lansing for Haiti 5K!
We had 331 runners and raised
The Bible speaks about the poor & oppressed way more than you think
In preparation for the Feb. 21-22 Justice Conference venue in Lansing (which you should register for here!), I have been really struck by the vast quantity of the Bible that teaches about caring for the poor and oppressed. It’s amazing to me how silent many churches are on this issue, but then at the same […]
Men Are Conditioned to Objectify Women & Women Believe the Lie
I’ve shared my testimony on here before about my previous addiction to pornography and how I was able to break free from it. I can gladly say I am at the best spot right now I have ever been in with this issue. The frustrating part is that viewing pornography is like getting a bad […]
Homogeneous Churches are Mutated (& Crippled) Bodies of Christ
I preached on the Church as the body of Christ last Sunday, using 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 as my text. It’s a familiar text and familiar metaphor to many Christians and it typically leads to one of a few quick interpretations. One being how Christians play different roles in the local church, some being good at […]
(Reverend) Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Legacy
The thing I find most compelling about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and the thing that is most overlooked about his mission and his legacy is that he was the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In an age where pastors are pushed to the outskirts of relevancy in popular culture, we celebrate a day named […]