What does a multi-ethnic church really look like? I get asked this question a lot at Crossroads, namely because we teach and vision-cast a lot about our desire to be a multi-ethnic church, which I usually follow-up by saying we still have a long way to go. We are three and a half years into […]
Your “Big Dreams for God” Can End Up Crushing You
I started my church 11 years ago with big dreams for God. Church planting networks want people with big dreams for God. We create huge conferences to encourage people to dream big dreams for God. At this point your “cynic radar” is already starting to go off as you read this. Bear with me a […]
How my Transforming Community took me from performance-striving to deep rest
An abbreviated version of this article was published on the Transforming Center’s website: What does transforming leadership look like for Pastor Noah Filipiak? Here is the full version: I love seminary. I have one seminary degree and look forward to going back for more. With that said, my experience in a Transforming […]
Doug Logan, Pastor & Author – On Missions, Urban Ministry & following ALL of the Great Commission
Noah Filipiak interviews Pastor Doug Logan about planting an urban church in Camden, NJ; Camden was rated the most violent city in America in 2015. Pastor Doug is an expert on missiology, urban ministry and what it looks like for the whole Church to live out the whole Great Commission. He is the pastor of […]
Bryan Loritts, Pastor & Author – Episode 30 – On Multi-Ethnic Church, Ministry Leadership & Identity in Christ
Pastor Bryan Loritts discusses how to become a multi-ethnic church, as well as the cost and challenges therein. Noah Filipiak also asks Pastor Bryan for help in navigating the Christian subculture of church planting, pastoring and being an author in a way where we don’t end up measuring ourselves by performance-oriented metrics. You can listen […]
4 Soul-Level Ways to Avoid Ministry Burnout
Ministry burnout; despair; discouragement. This 3-headed monster and its ugly cousins usually come visit me when I ponder how much “bad” is out there in contrast to my ability to do anything about it. The Bible commands me to do something about it, but that can’t mean I’m to live in debilitating despair, right? Because […]