Episode #10 of the “Behind the Curtain” Ministry Podcast is here! Noah Filipiak interviews Noel Heikkinen, one of the pastors at Riverview Church in Holt, Lansing and East Lansing, MI. Riverview is a church made up of around 3000 – 4000 people that has 4 venues in the Lansing area. Noel and Noah discuss the […]
Research shows 45% of Christian singles feel outcast within the Church, 3% are LGBTQ
3.37% of the Christian singles in your church are gay.* At least a recent research survey of 504 Christian singles indicates this (Click here for research demographics and controls). *3.37% checked the box indicating their sexual orientation as “LGBTQ (also check if you best relate with the term “same sex attraction”)” If same sex attraction […]
Research Statistics: 504 Christian Singles on Singleness in the Church
The purpose of this survey is to ask Christian singles directly what it’s like to be single and a Christian in the Church today as a way of testing if the Church’s efforts to minister to singles is effective or not. The survey stops the ministry leadership cycle of assuming we know what singles think […]
Podcast Interview on why Pastors Look at Porn & Have Affairs, with Covenant Eyes’ Luke Gilkerson
I interview Covenant Eyes‘ Luke Gilkerson on why pastors look at porn & have affairs. Applicable to men, women, pastors and churchgoers, this is a must listen for the Church. Luke is the Educational Resource Manager at Covenant Eyes, he also runs the Covenant Eyes blog where he is also a frequent author. Luke’s personal […]
What does the Bible say about insecurity?
What does the Bible say about insecurity? Failure, Insecurity as a Striving Pastor & Finding My Soul in Jesus Much of my 10 years as a church planter have been riddled with anxiety, performance and self-striving. When I started out in 2005, I envisioned leading thousands of people to Jesus…for Jesus’ glory of course. The […]
Why Churches Should Not Publicly Observe Mother’s Day
At church growing up, they would always have all moms stand up and then ushers would walk around and give each mom a carnation. While I understand the heart behind this, there are several significant reasons this and other Mother’s Day observations / celebrations should not be done in church: 1. Many women have had […]