If the Old Testament prophets told you that churches in America shouldn’t be segregated along racial lines, would you listen? If Jesus told you churches in America shouldn’t be segregated along racial lines, would you listen? For most of my life, this stuff wasn’t even close to being on my radar and I realize for […]
What does the New Testament Church say about our segregated churches?
Ephesians 2:13-16 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its […]
Crossroads Church Sermon Podcast is finally here! 2006-Present
Well it only took 10 years, but our Crossroads Church Sunday morning sermon podcast is finally up and operational! You can subscribe to it on iTunes here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/crossroads-church-of-lansing/id981898515 You can also listen online or download individual sermon files on PodBean: http://crossroads517.podbean.com You will find all of our Crossroads sermons since 2006. All of our sermons from […]
Pray for your Pastor
This reminded me of the recent blog post I did on The Struggles of Being a Pastor. This is another great reminder to pray for your pastor. I’m not posting this for self-pity or to complain, but to raise awareness as most all of these are true of me and likely of your pastor as […]
The Struggles of Being a Pastor
As I pastor, I typically have thick skin. But there are definitely days, and weeks, where the skin gets thin and things hurt more than normal. Or when enough things pile up to pierce the toughness that is typically there. Many pastors I know are like me in that if 99 things are going well […]
The Difference in Church Customers vs. Contributers–Which Are You?
Most people think 1 Corinthians 14 is only about whether we should speak in tongues in church or not. What I found when preaching on this text a few weeks ago was a much broader, and in my opinion, much more important meaning. What this chapter ultimately answers is the question, What is the purpose […]