We discuss if, when, and how you should tell your wife about your porn problem. We also look at Psalm 51:1-2 as a tool for finding from Jesus what we’re looking for from sexual sin.
Episode 10: Interview with Damon Seacott on choosing a life of singleness and celibacy
Listen below at podcasts.com or listen/subscribe on iTunes or Google Play. Episode 10 brings a special guest interview with Damon Seacott, who has chosen to live a life of singleness and celibacy. This is a great episode for singles to have someone to relate to, and great for married folks to learn how to be […]
Episode 9: Why Most Accountability Doesn’t Work + The Importance of Both Wings of God’s Airplane (Judgment & Mercy)
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FINAL EPISODE: Noah’s new job, pornography, Does God hate people?
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Episode 8: What does the Bible mean by “One Flesh” as God’s design for sex?
Listen below at podcasts.com or listen/subscribe on iTunes or Google Play.
Episode 7: Singleness & How to Spend Daily Rhythm Time with Jesus
Listen below at podcasts.com or listen/subscribe on iTunes or Google Play.