We are celebrating the 50th episode of The Flip Side in the only way you can celebrate such an incredible feat: with over 5 HOURS of Noah’s Rant!
Ep. 49: The Sex Episode
Noah previews his new book Beyond the Battle: A man’s guide to his identity in Christ in an oversexualized world, which releases July 13th and is available for pre-order now.
Ep.48: Interview with Sam and Tova Jones on Marriage and Singleness
This interview is a deep dive into issues facing married couples and singles today and is loaded with great advice and strategies.
Ep. 47: Interview with Kevin Butcher on Finding Freedom from “Try Harder” Christianity
Noah interviews his friend and mentor Kevin Butcher about his new book Free (available April 6th).
Ep. 46: Interview with Todd Wilson on the Enneagram and Healthy Leadership
Noah interviews Todd A. Wilson on his new book The Enneagram Goes to Church, which releases on March 16th with InterVarsity Press.
Ep. 45: Interview with Nate Larkin on recovering from a life of sexual addiction and finding the path of vulnerability and grace
Noah interviews Nate Larkin, a former pastor, on his extraordinary life of finding grace, freedom, and vulnerable community after decades of porn and sex addiction.