Episode 8 gets caught up on the mailbag and all Flip Side happenings and shenanigans. Mailbag covers Game of Thrones and unsettling parts of the Bible. Some previews of upcoming episodes, a ranking of which episodes have the most listens, and of course Noah’s Rant, which takes on fitted sheets. Lots of fun (and some good content) had by all.
Ep 7 (or 69) Noah interviews Troy High School classmate Matthew Thornton on following Jesus after a life of “Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll”
In episode 7, Noah catches up with high school classmate Matthew Thornton, who is following Jesus after living a life of (in Matthew’s words) “sex, drugs, and rock & roll” that began at age ten and led to full blown alcoholism and accompanying depression at age 21.
Ep. 6 (or 68) The debate around if Game of Thrones is porn or not
Game of Thrones kicked off its 8th and final season this week. The Flip Side presents the debate on if GOT is porn or not.
Ep. 5 (or 67) The Lord’s Prayer, books, and being on hold
Episode 5 (or 67) takes a look at The Lord’s Prayer, what each line really means, and how to really use the prayer in an impactful, experiential way to hear from God.
Ep. 4, Shame: What Does God Think of Me?
The Flip Side Episode 4 / 66 addresses the topic of shame as it relates to the question of, “What does God think of me when He looks at me?”
#3 (or 65) The Enneagram, Attraction vs. Lust, & Your map app talking to you in a public restroom
Episode 3 / 65 covers a question from the mailbag about lust vs. attraction. Noah talks about the Enneagram and a new book released this week by his friends Clare and Scott Loughrige, along with Adele and Doug Calhoun, Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram: A Handbook for Harmony and Transformation. Noah’s rant covers all the ways the map app will drive you bonkers, including talking to you while using a public restroom.