Noah has an in-depth conversation with Matthew Soerens of World Relief and the Evangelical Immigration Table on immigration, particularly as it relates to what the Bible says and the rhetoric being used by politicians in this election cycle.
All Podcast Episodes on LGBTQ+ Sexuality
All podcast episodes from “The Flip Side Podcast with Noah Filipiak” on LGBTQ+ sexuality.
Ep. 105: Katara Washington Patton on Depression, Anxiety, & Worry
Noah has a conversation with Katara Washington Patton about depression, anxiety, and worry–how common these struggles are in Scripture and amongst Christians, but how they are stigmatized in the church. They talk about breaking through barriers to reach out for help if you need it, as well as how to be a good friend to someone struggling with their mental health.
Ep. 104: Pieter Valk on Singleness, Isolation, & Being in Community
Noah has a conversation with Pieter Valk on how the opposite of addiction is connection, how our culture grooms us into isolation, and how we need to be very intentional to get out of that rut and find true community.
Ep. 103: Dr. Sandy Richter on Old Testament Violence and how to read Judges & Deborah
Noah has a conversation with Dr. Sandra Richter on her new Bible study Deborah: Unlikely Heroes and the Book of Judges. In the podcast interview, Sandy talks through difficult stumbling blocks to approaching the Old Testament like violence and sexism.
Ep. 102: Kristen Miele on Reclaiming Sex Education
Noah has a conversation with Kristen Miele on sex education in today’s day and age. They talk through complex issues like abortion, LGBTQ, porn, and much more.