Did you know women look at pornography too? When we treat porn like it’s a men-only sin, it only heaps extra shame onto the women who struggle with it, making it even harder to reach out for help. If you are a woman struggling with porn and unwanted sexual behavior, then this episode is for you. It’s also for ministry leaders and fellow women who want to help create safe places for women who are struggling.
Ep. 87: Dr. Peter Sung on the Post-Church Church
Is your faith going through a crisis because of unhealth you see in the contemporary model of church? Or are you a ministry leader worn out from “putting on the show” week after week? Then this conversation between Dr. Peter Sung and Noah Filipiak is for you.
Ep. 86: Cameron Horner on Disability in the Church and if God Still Heals
At 18 years old, Cameron experienced a diving accident in which he broke his neck and was left permanently paralyzed. Now, from a wheelchair, he shares his story of God’s faithfulness to him through his disability.
Ep. 85: Dr. Terence Lester on how confronting buried racial history can build racial solidarity
In today’s conversation, the discussion is on Terence’s new book All God’s Children: How Confronting Buried History Can Build Racial Solidarity. The interview is full of practical ways you can be faithful to Jesus in your cross-cultural relationships and ways modern cultural trends are trying to take us away from this path.
Ep. 84: Drs. Glenn Bracey & Michael Emerson on the Religion of Whiteness
Noah interviews Drs. Glenn Bracey and Michael Emerson on their national research project where they interviewed practicing white Christians on matters of race. What they found was that practicing white Christians hold some unique views on race that are not shared by any other demographic in the United States. Their views differ from practicing black or Latino Christians, as well as from white non-Christians.
Ep. 83: Interview with Alan Noble on Suffering, Depression, and Getting Out of Bed
Noah interviews Dr. Alan Noble about his new book On Getting Out of Bed: The Burden & Gift of Living (InterVarsity Press). They discuss the daily realities of suffering and depression contrasted with the church’s tendency to fake it like everything is okay and that if you do things God’s way, he will fix everything.