Noah interviews Pastor Mike Carrion on ministry in the South Bronx, the importance of proximity, and the Way of Jesus as applied in America today.
When “I follow the Lamb, not the Donkey or the Elephant” falls short
If “I follow the Lamb, not the Donkey or the Elephant” means I follow the Kingdom of Jesus and will live, advocate, and vote according to those values, and I will stand up to the Donkey and the Elephant when they aren’t, then I’m all for it.
But where I’ve most often heard “I follow the Lamb, not the Donkey or the Elephant” used is by Christians who also say things like “Just preach Jesus (and don’t talk about issues of oppression and injustice, despite what the Bible clearly commands).”
Ep. 97: Jalen Seawright of Common Hymnal on Worship & Justice
Noah has a conversation with Jalen Seawright on worship and justice. This conversation is meant to help you think critically and come closer to the heart of God for worship and the oppressed.
Ep. 85: Dr. Terence Lester on how confronting buried racial history can build racial solidarity
In today’s conversation, the discussion is on Terence’s new book All God’s Children: How Confronting Buried History Can Build Racial Solidarity. The interview is full of practical ways you can be faithful to Jesus in your cross-cultural relationships and ways modern cultural trends are trying to take us away from this path.
Ep. 84: Drs. Glenn Bracey & Michael Emerson on the Religion of Whiteness
Noah interviews Drs. Glenn Bracey and Michael Emerson on their national research project where they interviewed practicing white Christians on matters of race. What they found was that practicing white Christians hold some unique views on race that are not shared by any other demographic in the United States. Their views differ from practicing black or Latino Christians, as well as from white non-Christians.
Ep. 75: Michelle Sanchez on Color Courageous Discipleship
Noah interviews Michelle Sanchez on what color courageous discipleship looks like. Michelle does a great job of tactfully leading listeners (and readers of her books) into the truths of antiracism, but in a way that is approachable. Her focus is on the overall discipleship of every Christian and how important that being color courageous is a part of that.