My wife is a K-12 music teacher at a pubic school. Students are not allowed to have their cell phones or iPads out in class for personal use, every student knows that. If my wife tells a student to put their device away and they refuse, what is she to do? I think we’d all […]
4 Essential Points Misunderstood by Whites in the #BlackLivesMatter Movement
I posted somewhat of an emotional rant a few days ago after watching the body camera footage of unarmed black Sam Dubose being shot in the head by white police officer Ray Tensing at point blank range…followed by Tensing blatantly lying to his fellow officers about what happened as a way of trying to make […]
Body Cameras Protect the Good Cops and Bring Justice to the Bad #BlackLivesMatter
Addendum to this article: I first wrote this article after viewing the video of Officer Ray Tensing shooting and killing Sam Dubose at point blank range. It’s title was “Dear White Police Officers, Please Stop Murdering Black Men.” My emotions flared at such on obvious case of black lives not mattering and how if it […]
What’s the Big Deal About Flying the Confederate Flag?
A white Christian friend of mine recently asked me to write a blog about the Confederate Flag controversy in South Carolina. As someone who has spent the vast majority of my life in northern states (Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan), I wasn’t sure what I had to offer to the conversation. Honestly, it seems obvious to me […]
One Church Liturgy Prayer for Charleston
This past Sunday, my church participated with churches across the country in praying the “One Church Liturgy,” a prayer of lament for our fallen brothers and sisters in Charleston, SC. It was a powerful experience. The liturgy was written by Rev. Leroy Barber (CCDA board member, Executive Director of Word Made Flesh) and the Imago […]
Justice Conference Presenter Racially Profiled, Arrest Threatened at Chicago Hotel
I attended The Justice Conference in Chicago this past weekend–two days packed with biblical teaching on helping the poor, racial justice, human trafficking, and much more. You can get a good snapshot of the conference by perusing #Justice15 on Twitter. With the gravity of the topics discussed, I found my mind brimming with subjects I […]