Some history I wasn’t taught in school… Again, if you are white, don’t get defensive about this. Just learn and be honest, and let that honesty shape your perspective on how and why things are. I’m not calling you racist (please read my “How To Talk About Racism” post), I’m asking that you see the […]
How To Talk About Racism
When I was taught about racism in school while I was growing up, I was taught about things such as the KKK, slavery, and a bit about the Civil Rights Movement and Jim Crow Laws. I was taught to never use the “N-Word” and to look at all people as equals, regardless of color. These […]
Your Opinion: Does Racism Still Exist? How do you see it?
I recently attended an “Understanding Racism” workshop and will be posting some related material soon. With the sensitivity of the subject, I want to make sure I have my thoughts in order before posting. In the meantime, (be brave…) please share your opinion in the comment section (not on Facebook for this one). I’d like […]
On Jackie Robinson Day, is racism still alive and well?
Growing up middle class and white, in a middle class and white town in suburban Ohio, I always understood racism to be dead. Racism was something I learned about in history class. The Klu Klux Klan. The “N” word. Slavery. The Civil War. Some guy name Martin Luther King and a lady named Rosa Parks. […]
Weeping for Orphans. Where is the Church? Where are you? Where am I?
I spent today at the West Michigan CCDA (Christian Community Development Association) conference. After spending last weekend in Philadelphia at the Justice Conference, God has really been messing with me…in a good way. After the best day of talks (5 in a row) I’ve ever sat through, holding back tears several times, I got talking […]
Meeting John M. Perkins @ Justice Conference, guest blogger Tony Walker
Guest blog post from Tony Walker on Day 2 of The Justice Conference. Tony accepted Jesus as his Lord in Savior in October, you can watch his baptism and testimony here: Guest blog from Tony: Today was exceptional!!! From 9am to 9pm, conviction surrounded me and took over me as the day grew older. My […]