What does a multi-ethnic church really look like? I get asked this question a lot at Crossroads, namely because we teach and vision-cast a lot about our desire to be a multi-ethnic church, which I usually follow-up by saying we still have a long way to go. We are three and a half years into […]
Choppin It Up Ep. 10: Emmett Till, trip to Charleston, stereotyping whole ethnic groups & Kyle’s racist encounter at the airport
Email our mailbag at choppinituppodcast@gmail.com with comments and questions that we’ll read on the air. Twitter: https://twitter.com/choppinituppod Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/choppinituppodcast/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/choppinituppodcast/ Tyler’s blog: TylerPSpeaks.com Noah’s blog: AtACrossroads.net (Producer) Kyle’s music: soundcloud.com/servantscorner You can subscribe to episodes on Podbean or can listen and subscribe on iTunes.
Excerpts from Letter from a Birmingham Jail (to the White Church) by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Who are you in this letter? The white clergy opposing Dr. King? The white moderate? The white church sitting idly behind the anesthetizing security of stained-glass windows? The black indifference? The black violent nationalist? The small group of white clergy standing by Dr. King, being ridiculed by white culture because of it? Who do you […]
Ep. 9: The Alt-Right, The Best White Running Back in the NFL!, & how to make your church more diverse
Email our mailbag at choppinituppodcast@gmail.com with comments and questions that we’ll read on the air. Twitter: https://twitter.com/choppinituppod Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/choppinituppodcast/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/choppinituppodcast/ Tyler’s blog: TylerPSpeaks.com Noah’s blog: AtACrossroads.net (Producer) Kyle’s music: soundcloud.com/servantscorner You can subscribe to episodes on Podbean or can listen and subscribe on iTunes.
Diffusing the White Privilege Conversation
Discussing white privilege in an effort to bring unity and reconciliation is like walking on a high wire coated with random landmines. You say the wrong thing, the wrong trigger word, and BOOM: end of conversation. I’m going to try my best to navigate this wire, please bear with me with grace. Why this is […]
Dear Refugee, Immigrant, Muslim & African-American (From a White American Christian)
Dear Refugee, (Documented and Undocumented) Immigrant, Muslim & African-American: This is a letter to tell you you are loved. I love you and many others do as well. Recently some have spewed hate in your direction. They’ve scrawled it on bathroom walls, spray-painted it on dugouts and have told you to go back to “where […]