I’m wearing my new Klash shoes I bought from Buy Shoes. Save Lives. They aren’t TOMS shoes. They aren’t slippers. Here’s what they are:
How to Find Your Calling…
Christians often ask themselves and their pastors what steps they need to take to find their calling. They feel a bit lost in life, maybe stuck in a job they don’t like, trying to figure out their major in college, or just have a general feeling of restlessness. So I’m here to give you the […]
Social Justice Burning You Out? Stop Trying to Change the World.
In my review of Ken Wytsma‘s book Pursuing Justice, I talk about how after a zealous start of caring about social justice issues, I went through a period of burnout. Burnout that was due to the overwhelming number of different types of horrible things in the world, the overwhelming reach each of these issues had, […]
Porn’s Ripple Effects: 3 Collateral Damages of Pornography Use
Most porn users and addicts will attest to the damaging effects porn has on the user, but often the collateral damage of porn, the damage it causes to others surrounding it, often go unnoticed. For those making efforts to break the addiction of porn, using every tool in the toolbox is going to help toward […]
The Whole Gospel Manifesto
A close adaptation of this will soon appear on Crossroads Church’s website. Feel free to copy and paste this and adapt it to the language of your church. Let’s not be Christians who only live out 1/2 the Gospel… The Whole Gospel Manifesto Crossroads Church is a multiethnic 7-year-old church plant committed to the whole […]
Weeping for Orphans. Where is the Church? Where are you? Where am I?
I spent today at the West Michigan CCDA (Christian Community Development Association) conference. After spending last weekend in Philadelphia at the Justice Conference, God has really been messing with me…in a good way. After the best day of talks (5 in a row) I’ve ever sat through, holding back tears several times, I got talking […]